Friday, December 5, 2008

Before Contacting Me, Please Read This

*Elf Hours: with the exception of Real Estate jobs, I do not allow people around me when I work. I like to work what I call 'Elf Hours': When you leave for work, your house is messy-- when you come home, it's clean.

*Unless you have a lot of children and animals, you don't need weekly cleaning. Bi-weekly is usually good enough. Many only have monthly.

*Occasional cleaning is great-- when you just can't stand the mess anymore or are expecting company!


  • Cleaning: $25 an hour (realtors see below)plus gas if house is more than 20 minutes drive
  • Packing/Moving: If local, less than cleaning
  • Pet Care: Depends on days/tasks/number of pets.
  • Driving: Depends on distance, time, passengers, etc. Basic local driving is $15 an hour plus gas and tolls (car seats not provided)...(SNOW rates are often higher depending on conditions and distance)
  • Errands: Varies, will even do errands for trade
  • Decluttering (with you): $20 an hour, round trip gas money and flowing coffee
  • House Sitting (turn lights on/off, bring in paper/mail): generally $10 to $15 a day (morning and night), but ask me.



  • The "Elf Hours" can be suspended for Move In cleanings (when I'm cleaning up the mess from the previous owners' moving out). If their move out is close to your move in, overlap is sometimes unavoidable.
  • Some real estate cleaning rates may go above $25 per hour (evictions when the apartment/house has been trashed, etc), please talk to me about costs.


*Character and Professional References upon request.

FYI in case you think $25 an hour is too much:

$3.825 an hour goes to the IRS. Plus I buy all my own supplies.

Also, I get no sick pay, and if a client decides to cancel my cleaning-- I just don't get paid.

No security. So I'd be wise to tuck away a little money from each job.

Please don't think I make $100 on a 4 hour house. It's closer to $60



Meet Maura & her "Staff"

Left: Maura, el jeffe of Monk O'Phile, with a puppy on Honduras mission trip (most dogs in Guaimaca were scrawny street dogs, this was a rare pet)

Above Right: Tracy (raker/sweeper extraordinaire...
despite her size, amazingly strong)

playing games with teens at our church

On Right: Maura's son Oscar (master of Pledge & Windex) at Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk. Box lifter like no other.

